Success Stories
Total weight loss: 112 lbs*
“Losing the weight has given me the ability to ride my bike up a long hill without stopping! In fact, I recently looked back to see my daughter stopped half way up the same hill to take a break.” [Read more]
Total weight loss: 60 lbs*
Before Optifast, my cholesterol was 225 and I had high blood pressure. I asked the doctor for one more chance to lose the weight and avoid the medications. [Read more]
Jeremy and Melissa
Combined weight loss: 270 lbs*
Jeremy (140 lbs.) and Melissa (130 lbs.) have lost a combined 270 lbs. with the help of Dr. Berkeley and the staff at Weight Management Partners. [Read more]
Beth and Scott
Combined weight loss: 215 lbs*
Beth and Scott knew their weight was getting out of control and something needed to be done. They have 2 boys at home and wanted to make sure they were around for the… [Read more]
Total weight loss: 128 lbs*
Grace has been a patient of Weight Management Partners for over ten years. Although she lost weight in the past, she was unable to adjust to eating food and would quickly regain.. [Read more]