Weight Maintenance Program
We Believe in Maintenance….And That Makes Us Different!
The professionals at Weight Management Partners, have been treating overweight and obese patients for more than 35 years. During that time, we have learned one very valuable lesson: weight loss is meaningless unless it can be maintained.
We believe that our practice is unique in offering a strong, determined focus on weight maintenance. In fact, we believe that weight maintenance is the most important thing that we do.
We offer an ongoing weight maintenance program that allows to you to stay in contact with our professionals permanently. Maintenance visits are the least expensive and most important part of our program. After your first year as a maintainer, maintenance visits are free of charge if you are within 10 pounds of your final weight. We also offer maintenance patients the option of continuing to use OPTIFAST in limited amounts if they prefer.
Did you lose weight through your own diet, another program, or bariatric surgery? We are happy to offer our maintenance program to patients who have lost weight elsewhere and are seeking to keep it off. Our maintenance is open to all.
Not much is written about weight maintenance. To help you stay educated and learn more about becoming an excellent maintainer, we recommend Dr. Barbara Berkeley’s book Refuse to Regain: 12 Tough Rules to Maintain the Body You’ve Earned. We also recommend following Weight Management Partners on Facebook where you will find recipes and other nutritional suggestions and tips to maintain your weight.
Our greatest goal and greatest pleasure is to help our patients create the changes that lead to permanent, healthy weight. Join us in maintenance to discover the benefits of a long term partnership with our professional staff.